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Does Vitamin C and Quercetin Help with Inflammation?

Dealing with inflammation is a common issue for many people. Inflammation can often occur due to various reasons, whether it's an injury, infection, autoimmune disorder, or long-term exposure to harmful irritants. Finding ways to relieve inflammation in the body is essential in living a healthy and pain-free life.

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is the natural way your body heals itself from injuries, toxins, or infections. Damages to your cells result in your body's immune system releasing antibodies and proteins while also increasing blood flow to the area. The entire process may only last for a few hours or days if you are dealing with acute inflammation. However, chronic inflammation happens if this response lingers over time, as it can have a negative impact on your body due to being in a constant state of alert.

How Vitamin C Can Help Reduce Inflammation

The relationship between vitamin c and inflammation is often noted through studies, as a vitamin C deficiency may be one reason you are suffering from chronic inflammation. An inadequate amount of vitamin C makes it more difficult for your body to eliminate free radicals, which can damage your cells and tissue. You can raise your vitamin C level by eating citrus fruits, such as tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit.

Other food sources such as brussels sprouts, bell peppers, and broccoli also contain a high amount of vitamin C. Choosing to take a vitamin C supplement each day is also helpful if you are unable to consistently eat enough fruits and vegetables. Always reaching out to your doctor is essential before taking a vitamin C supplement to reduce inflammation. Also remember that not all vitamin C supplements are of the same quality, make sure to choose reputable brands such as Body Kitchen.

Why Quercetin is Helpful Against Inflammation

Quercetin is naturally found throughout many fruits, vegetables, and grains. It's an abundant antioxidant that plays a crucial role in helping your body fight against free radical damage, which can lead to a variety of chronic issues. Studies show that a high level of free radicals can activate genes to increase inflammation, as increasing your quercetin levels can counteract these issues.

A few of the most popular types of food that contain quercetin include apples, grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, capers, red wine, broccoli, and onions. A good quercetin enhanced supplement, such as Vitamin C Shield, might be the easiest and most efficient way to add more quercetin to your diet. Quercetin benefits are wide-ranging, such as improving immunity, reducing inflammation, increasing exercise performance, and combating allergies. Using a quercetin supplement is generally safe.

Additional Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin isn't only limited to reducing inflammation in the body, as it offers numerous other benefits. These quercetin benefits may include easing allergy symptoms, lowering your risk of chronic brain disorders, reducing blood pressure, and helping combat signs of aging. All of these different benefits make taking a quercetin supplement a popular option for many people.

The Relationship Between Quercetin and Vitamin C

Looking at ways to decrease inflammation is a top priority for people suffering from this health condition. Increasing your intake of quercetin and vitamin C is a great way to reduce free radicals in your body and help you limit chronic inflammation. While making diet changes is essential, you can also take a vitamin c supplement to give you a boost to reduce inflammation.

Why You Should Consider Using Vitamin C-Shield

Vitamin C-Shield is specially designed to boost your immunity with a single serving of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C. It also includes Dihydroquercetin and a patented type of Black Pepper Extract to increase nutrient bioavailability by 30%. Vitamin C-Shield is also designed to work with your body to improve performance and reduce free radicals that can lead to many health problems.